As Always, LITB
Kira Cooley
Chapter President
Kappa Sigma Chapter
A Letter From Our President,
Welcome, my name is Kira Cooley and I am beyond blessed to be serving as the 2022 Chapter President! Alpha Chi has given me so much in my time as a member. I have gained best friends, priceless memories, and empowering opportunities. Since joining this chapter in 2019, I have witnessed growth in myself that I never thought was possible, especially in my leadership capabilities. I hope you can see how special our sisterhood is while viewing our website. The women in this sisterhood constantly push me to see beauty in the common things of life everyday.
Along with watching my sisters’ grow within their chapter membership, I love being able to stand behind them as they involve themselves in other groups and organizations on the Southern Miss campus and in our community. Many of my sisters represent campus organizations such as Campus Outreach, Student Government Association, Gender and Sexualities Alliance, Sexual Assault Prevention Ambassadors, and more. I am also extremely proud of my sisters that work hard on the Dixie Darlings dance team, Cheerleading team, and the PRIDE of Mississippi. Also, many of our members have become licensed insurance agents, trusted care takers, and volunteers. These women never stop working, growing, and flourishing within our community, which is what inspires me to push myself each day.
Thank you for visiting our site, and I hope it gives you a little glimpse into what we value and why we enjoy the company of our sisterhood so much!